Optimising one’s balance is especially important for the elderly. This minimises the senior’s fall risk which helps to prevent a lot of exponential complications such as fractures, leading to prolonged bed bound and a subsequent significant reduction in mobility.
Improving the elderly’s balance also requires a thorough examination of his/her current functional ability as well as pre-morbid functional status. Does the elderly have the potential to revert back to a pre-morbid state of mobility? What are some of his current medical issues / medications?
Understanding a complete picture would allow the physiotherapist to properly prioritise treatment goals and plans.
Our physiotherapists work with nursing homes and elderly day care centers as well to provide for private physiotherapy services as required by the seniors. Some of the more ambulatory seniors present with musculoskeletal discomfort which limits their mobility. In these cases, we provide for exercise equipments to teach these seniors specific rehab exercises that they can directly benefit from and resume their pain-free mobility.